New York 2019


The Future is Transparent: Building Trust in AdTech

Is the ad tech industry relying on transparency changes? This panel of industry leaders will discuss how agencies and advertisers are proactively advocating for greater clarity within programmatic, and reciprocally, how publishers are responding. What was acceptable only twelve months ago is no longer meeting the demands of advertisers and consumers today. This conversation will address the growing need for a more transparent and open set of industry standards, with trust at the center.

Grabbing Headlines: The Intersection of Trust & News

41% of consumers report they are engaging with more news coverage than they were two years ago. Increasingly, we choose to place attention on news we believe is credible, reliable, and trusted. What happens when misinformation spreads throughout the ecosystem? If fake news takes over, it puts brand safety at risk. A well informed public is good for business. Verizon Media’s dynamic panel will discuss the importance of maintaining a reliable information ecosystem for better business and society.

Social Media Monitoring & Analytics

Learn how to understand and analyze social media metrics to help guide strategy, reach goals and connect with your audience.

Personal Branding

Learn how to craft an image and build a reputation that can create new opportunities for you and your career.

Design Thinking: Creative Problem Solving

This hands-on workshop will lead you through the design thinking process, taught by design thinking professionals that use this as a key tool for problem solving.

Masters of Monetizing Content

In the booming age of strategizing cross-screen content in the media-driven world of today, business leaders take a state-of-the-union look at the only line that matters – the bottom line. Join an all-star roster of leaders on the front lines of revenue production, media sales and partnership marketing as they share insights, explore risks and fears and debate strategies for achieving success in the ‘always on’ ecosystem of digital users.

Get Out the Vote: How Brands Can Message and Mobilize for the 2020 Elections

When it comes to messaging to voters, what combination of strategies actually work to drive voter turnout?Tuesday (September 24) is National Voter Registration day, so show your civic pride by coming to learn from industry experts who’ve grappled with some of the hard questions around mobilizing more Americans to the polls. We'll dissect whether messages and media alone can truly drive get out the vote efforts, and answer what encourages voter turnout and ultimately, civic engagement.

ESports - The Future of Sponsored Competition

With esports revenue expected to top $1 billion in 2019, and double over the next few years, the once-elusive battlefield of virtual competitors has truly arrived in the mainstream and can no longer be ignored. This panel of experts will discuss the past, present, and future of esports, the growth across devices, as well as the myriad sponsored partnership opportunities it presents for brands both within, and outside of, the esports world.

It's Never Too Late To Innovate

With a shift in consumption behaviors advertisers now need to reshape their relationships with consumers across devices, and think about how to execute while still maintaining an authentic connection.

The Things I Wish I Knew

If you're tired of hearing the same sugar-coated advice, sitting back and listening to this session will be a welcome change. Hear some hard-hitting advice from panelists at the top of their field as they share their moments of failure, frustration, and perhaps even the occasional contented smile.

Storytelling Through Creative: Video

With the shift in consumption behaviors advertisers now need to reshape their relationships with consumers across devices. How to execute while still maintaining an authentic connection.

Climbing Over Walls: Real People Data In An Automated World

Cookie-driven ad targeting is rapidly declining in the face of consumer privacy demands and education around efficacy. First-party data is coveted for engaging existing customers, but how do you access that data to attract new customers? Learn why the country's largest retailers are in the strongest position to use consent-based data, and how they can help you drive maximum return with high-potential targets for your brand.
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